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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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This is so true WTF R U Talking About?
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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 This is so true (5)
 WTF R U Talking About? (2)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

People are like the weather....

.... Sometimes they are sunny, without a cloud in the sky, sometimes times they are stormy, and sometimes they are misty.  Either way, if you wait long enough, they're bound to change ;)

This is so true

Side Score: 7

WTF R U Talking About?

Side Score: 3

People are like Global Warming. Sometimes a sequence of events destroys or suppresses certain aspects of who you are, but this allows other aspects of who you are to emerge. ;)

Side: This is so true
0 points

I'm not sure I understand this one Joe... are you saying that by warming the earth we are destroying some things, but giving oppurtunities to others? Cus that's kinda dumb.

Side: WTF R U Talking About?

So like when the dinosaurs went extinct, that didn't give mammals a leg up?

Side: This is so true

I think most of us have experienced changes either in ourselves, or in the people close to us. Fast, sudden, radical changes.

Side: This is so true
0 points

You forgot something, Joe. They (females and the weather) are both completely unpredictable. You may think what they're going to do, but they always surprise you!

Side: This is so true

I didn't forget..., I just didn't want to get in trouble today ;)

Side: This is so true

It is only natural that people change. What can we do about it? Nothing.

Side: This is so true
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