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 Please post gay-pick-up-lines that you've heard here (18)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Please post gay-pick-up-lines that you've heard here


As your uncle joe

I'm expected to provide a public service

We already did the heterosexual pick up lines here

now we are doing gay pick up lines.

I'll start us off with this beauty.

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You remind me of a Twinkie. Every time I bite into you, you cream in my mouth (OK..., OK..., this one's gross) ;)

1 point

That's completely foul and is inappropriate for this family-orientated site.

Upvote for you!

Are you a burger cuz you can be the meat between my buns ;)

You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more ;)

We’re having a penis-measuring contest over there. Do you have a yardstick that we could borrow ;)

My name is (your name)... remember that, you'll be screaming it later. ;)

I hope you're not a vegetarian... cuz I want to feed you some meat! ;)

(Lick finger and wipe on his shirt)... Let's get you out of these wet clothes. ;)

You like pasta? Wanna see my noodle ;)

(At a Bar) May I push your stool in?

Hey, I lost my underwear, can I see yours?--------------------------------------------

I’ve never seen such a big bulge in a man’s pants. Wait a minute, yes I have – mine.

1 point

Now I don't want to be a joy-killer, but we really shouldn't be providing this sort of material that could fuel homosexuality. Anyone who posts "gay-pick-up-lines" should be denounced from this site.

1 point

Here's some funny ones:

"Nice legs...they'd look even better wrapped around my shoulders."

"My rocket's heading for Uranus."

(For the more intelligent members) "If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."

And this is a really strange one I found in a forum, if you get the joke please endevour to explain it to me (I don't want to try find out what that episode shows)

""Do you want to watch episode 21 of Star Trek with me""

1 point

I haven't heard any here, but I did find some 'dandy man candy' pick up lines on YouTube! :)

You'll Be Sorry You Asked...

You'd make an excellent cell mate.

Come back to my place and take a load off.

1 point

Hello! ;) rapturous LICKALOTAPUSS . . . You lookin' for a MEGASAURASS tonight?