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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:10
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Please post your debate tactics here.

I found that typically the biggest advocate of an idea is not necessarily the most informed person of that group. This person’s advocacy usually is an attempt to belong to something. Countering their argument is rather simple, just avoid playing by their rules. There are four main techniques in engaging these ideological salesmen.

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The fourth technique is being indifferent emotionally.

Some people trying to sway your opinion with emotional appeals. This is an attempt to circumvent logic and rational thought. By appealing to your empathy and/or aversion to hurting people, they seek to manipulate you. If you are indifferent emotionally, they cannot influence you.

Typical “victim”: I was the victim of “x” crime therefore you should acquiesce and agree with me.

Response: If you feel a crime has been committed, call the police.

Response: I don’t really care.

Response: Sucks to be you.


The second technique is asking questions.

This is a variation on the Socratic method. You just ask questions that could lead to sales men disagreeing with his own premise.

Typical feminist: We should enforce equality utilizing “x” method.

Response: What is your selective service number?

Response: Are men and women different?

Response: Has this method been tried before?


The third technique is war gaming.

This is where you play out their idea as if it’s actually been implemented.

Typical collectivist: We should have some sort of “x” economy to solve “z” problem.

Response: What would be the punishment for people that don’t comply with the system?

Response: What would your position be in this system?

Response: Would the system be sustainable in the face of the inherent selfish nature of people?


The first technique is nonchalance.

This is where you listen to what they say and are indifferent to it.

Typical global warming advocate: We should save the environment utilizing “x” method.

Response: that’s nice

if you’re feeling more antagonistic you can use this:

Response: cool story bro


My debate tactics have been marked classified by the government so I can't share them with you, but here are the debate tactics that seem to be the most prevalent on CreateDebate.

Step 1: Present your argument and wait for a response.

Step 2: If they disagree with you, call them names and insult their mama.

Step 3: Ramble incoherently to try to confuse them.

Step 4: Accuse them of making sexual advances on you.

Step 5: Accuse them of cyber-bullying and threaten to report them to Andy, the CIA, and the FBI.

Step 6: Send them naked photos of yourself humping a teletubby.

Step 7: Slink away quietly and hope they don't notice.

1 point

I like to:

- Write TL;DR wall of texts so that no one can be bothered reading it all.

- Exploit the fact that neither me nor anyone else really understand the terms I am using.

- Do absolutely anything to sound smarter than I am.