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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:8
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 Practical joke ideas (5)

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Practical joke ideas

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putting fish in curtain poles.. the house will stink and they will never find the source, until you decide to tell them

tie a piece of string at around ankle height somewhere.. get your victim to chase you

replacing the white filling in oreos with toothpaste (only works if they don't twist and lick)

if you dip cotton buds in water, they'll stick to almost anything on a cold night... polka dot cars

put multi-coloured blobs of paint on a pair of windscreen wipers on a day you expect rain, when the driver has to use them.. instant double rainbow

put a balloon in a small carry box and bake a cake.. hollow out the cake and place it over the balloon..

i could go on all day but i'll leave it there.. i am in no way responsible for any acts of violence you may receive lol

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

putting fish in curtain poles.. the house will stink and they will never find the source, until you decide to tell them

I saw something like that before, and the people were never told they eventually moved out, and the person who did it claimed the house.

tie a piece of string at around ankle height somewhere.. get your victim to chase you

A little obvious, and some people run with their feet higher than ankle height. Baby lotion on the floor, now that's hilarious.

replacing the white filling in oreos with toothpaste (only works if they don't twist and lick)

LOL< have you gotten people with that?

Paul_Tennant(184) Clarified
2 points

i actually got that one from a story myself but in the one i heard it was against an ex wife and the smell forced her out of the house but she took the curtain poles with her lol and yeah the string one might not work all the time but when it does LOL also yeah i have, had to wait till we was gonna watch a new movie when they was just stuffing the oreos in without looking but i got them.. had to clean it all up when he spat it out but it was worth it lol

2 points

Put baby powder in some ones hairdryer and wait for them to turn it on.

That's the evilest thing I can imagine ;)

Anything food related replaced with Naga Bhut Jolokia.