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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:44
Total Votes:44
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 True. (7)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (37)

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jolie(9809) pic


Side Score: 7

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 37
1 point

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Side: True.
1 point

From article

Roman Catholic authorities embrace the idea of miracles from heaven with such confidence that they invite skeptics to challenge them. Before candidates qualify for sainthood, the miracles attributed to them must be proven.

If someone is suddenly healed after praying to a would-be saint, the Vatican has doctors verify there's no medical reason for it.

1st of all I want to say that I think Mother Theresa is awesome.

Catholocism has traditions and doctrines of men, but there are true Christians in the Catholic Church.

There are miracles today, we don't see the miracles of the Bible everyday but they still do happen. Often miracles are individually known or seen, sometimes they are sensational.

Other areas see more of the sensational types of miracles.

Possibly because they are tested more, even facing martyrdom for their faith.

Side: True.
1 point

........... ..... ...... ....... ....

Side: True.
1 point

Coincidence or miracle?

..... .....

Side: True.
1 point

Crazy? Or crazy miracle?

Side: True.
1 point


Atheists near death experience:


Everyone saw him then he vanished:


Muslim girl gives Jesus one week, and He proves Himself to her:


Side: True.
1 point

There are many miracles today. Often they seem like coincidences, more often in other countries. The more selfless we become the more the Spirit moves. It's our lack of faith and distractions that hide miracles from our view.

But we follow Him, not miracles. Signs and wonders follow, they do not lead.

Perhaps there is no greater miracle I can think of than the incredible depth and accuracy of His Word.

Worth saying again:

2000 prophesies fulfilled, 500 prophesies left to be fulfilled, likely some are in process of final fulfilmemt.

For over 6000 years God's Word literally stacked layers upon layers of prophesies sprung into play, stacked up one on top of another. It's like telling the story below to the millionth gazilion the power!

That would be like me saying to you who I don't know;

On Tues you will get a raise and a bonus.

You will take a trip and meet a girl named Alison and she is going to steal your wallet, money, and passport.

You will be then stuck at the American Embassy in France for 10 days trying to sort it out.

And at 7 pm on the 8th day you will meet a girl named Francine, she will be French but have great English skills, she will be interested and you will have a great date with her.

On the 10th day at 4 pm, the embassy will straighten out your passport.

But Francine will interest you so much that you stay for 10 days more.

Then after you leave France you will remain in America for 300 days, and Francine will have an unscheduled trip and you will be together for 5 days till she returns to France.

Your company will close and you will recieve 30,000 dollars for severance.

And with it you will move to France marry Francine, and have 3 children with 7 years. 2 boys and 1 girl.

The girl will be first.

You will remain in France till you are 53 years old and 2 months and 5 days.

Then you will move your family back to America.

Huh, I'm tired just prophesying 1 little thread of 1 life!

.... But what if you didn't get a bonus as I prophesied

You wouldn't have gone on a trip,

The girl wouldn't have stolen your wallet to

Place you at the embassy and no Francine …etc

That is like how God's Word is from Genesis to Revelations.

Did you ever wonder how many prophesies it took to fulfill one?

God moving Nations, President Kings, raising Popes and Pharoahs and tyrants, to Jesus and Reformers and Patriarchs.


The genius of God is unreachable, His depths unknown. In the Bible we have a history book made to be an example giving us a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, advise, guidance, understanding, and He directed civilization through it.

Generations go by all ultimately in orbit around God and His Word!

We either love, hate, or ignore Him, but whether we know it or not, it is in the middle and we all are answering to it. If I asked any of you which of these you are, you all would have an answer. You all have a pat pet answer that you have said so often, you don't even realize it.

The Bible stands in the middle as we go around it, and everyone of us, not one of us hasn't, we all answered.

In every century it was the focus of men. Satan had a short time so he raised up an antichrist who stands between God and man and speakd as if he were God. For over millenniums they martyred the faithful, waged assault on the Word intent to currupt the faith.

Think about it, how did a pope rise to rule the world? Isn't it interesting, all these things are foretold.

You can see Satan’s movements and his demons throughout time, they appear in every era with enslavement and hate growing out of control.

You can see Satan chase after and target Gods people. God's Word and God's people faced brutal hate, and deviations of evil against God's people literally every era from oppressions of the Jews in Egypt, captives in Babylon, under the thumb of Roman rule, to early church martyrdom, the Inquisitions, to Hitler, to Jews and Christians.

This has always been the case, every generation God's Word and His people was standing in the middle. Everyone in every generation answering to Him, many are even on public record. Isn't that wild for such an insignificant book and a non-existent God.

You could even ask Egypt and Babylon, hey you where is God, and even though they have their own gods, they all step back for a split fraction of a second they know who God really is, all aware of Israel's God. And they all answered to it Him.

Side: True.
1 point

Your debate title indicates that you don't understand what the word miracle means.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Definition of miracle: a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Evolution is explained through natural and scientific laws. You are saying natural and scientific miracles.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Pfft. All you have to do to become a Saint is start a CreateDebate profile and declare yourself one right now. Duh!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I am now a saint.

How's that? Did it work? Do I get a halo or something? ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

You still sound humble. So yes, I'd say it worked better for you than the last person who tried that.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I was going to read that account of the continuation of miracles but as I was in a rush I just read War and Peace instead so I wasn't late for my appointment. It was about Russia by the way.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Well..., when you get a chance then ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!