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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah Uh, no.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yeah (4)
 Uh, no. (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Rape is NOT condoned. Do you have rape fantasies?

Human nature is so weird.  Most people do NOT condone rape but many have rape fantasies.  It's hard to make sense of the contradiction.  Which is why I prefer interacting with computers.  They are more consistent.


Side Score: 5

Uh, no.

Side Score: 4
1 point

Lol, I totally do. But my boyfriend won't do it because he's afraid he'll actually hurt me or something. Even with a safety word! He's no fun :(

Side: Yeah
1 point

How boring would the world be, if nobody fantasises about things that aren't actually allowed to happen? (Woosh, there go 99.99% of action movies.)

Side: Yeah

Only not action movies, but without fantasies, that just might be 99% of life.

Side: Yeah
1 point

The fantasy that turns me on the most, is one where I'm being raped. I don't actually want to be raped, no one would. I think it's more about not being control, being dominated. My boyfrined doesn't want to roleplay. He also worries about hurting me. I feel lucky that he feels that way.

Side: Yeah

Not even in role play. Mainly because I don't see the point in it. I don't want to work any harder than I have to to get me some ;)

Also because it's always the same.

Me: "A ha!"

Her: "Aaah, help, rape!"

Me: "Argh!"

Her: "Oh..., wait..., time out..., I broke a nail...., I'll be right back. Take a breather."

Me (breathing hard, trying to catch my breath): "WTF?"

Side: Uh, no.
1 point

There are many things to fantasize about. But rape is generally not about the sexual experience as much as it is about control. My opinion is that there are many different ways to have consensual sex without acting out the rage and hate that tends to accompany rape. Some people that act it out will sometimes get a rush from the power and may even do the real act. But that is my personal opinion and is not based in any facts.

Side: Uh, no.
1 point

Having lived through the real thing for a couple of my early teenage years, I have to confess it is not something I would like to relive, even if only through fantasy - and might I add that those who do wish to fantasize about such an experience are not only sick minded but are the people who the act should really happen to as opposed to the sane who despise such an atrocity.

Side: Uh, no.