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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Oh man, I'm a troll I ain't no troll
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Oh man, I'm a troll (2)
 I ain't no troll (3)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Oh man, I'm a troll

Side Score: 2

I ain't no troll

Side Score: 3
1 point

It's sad that a bunch of nerds turn out to be such n00bs at the internet.

Trolls aren't people with extreme opinions. They're just people that mess with others over the internet.

3 ways to do this:

1. Say really dumb things in a serious discussion but sound like you're serious.

2. Call a girl fat and convince her to kill herself on Stickam (and things of that nature).

3. Just do things that really piss people off, like post a bunch of dead people pics or women covered in shit on someone else's site.

Side: Oh man, I'm a troll

Hmmm, I do items 1 and 3 (although not to that extreme). So I guess I'm a troll after all :(

Side: Oh man, I'm a troll

I know that no matter how loudly I voice my extreme opinions, they are not the majority's opinion... so I ain't no troll ;)

Side: I ain't no troll
1 point

I agree with Joe! I may speak loudly, but I know many people don't agree. Doesn't mean I can't stand up for what I believe!

Side: I ain't no troll
1 point

yep. joe is right. although i do speak loud and voice my opinions, it doesn't make me a troll. although I don't care if any of my allies on CD are trolls.


Side: I ain't no troll