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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Required reading for newbies (22)

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Required reading for newbies

Everything you wanted to know about CD but were afraid to ask

OK, this is a living document.  People should add helpful tips here for newbies.  Maybe give them a little history and background context so that they get up to speed quickly.

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You will learn to hate the drop down menus on the top, right below where it says Create Debate in blue and orange.

1 point

I discovered this annoyance on day one .

2 points

Lol, I enjoy this list.

Resident babe, reporting for duty Joe ;)

OK, assume the position.... er..., I mean..., at ease. ; )

1 point

LMAO at the Garry comment... so true and I would add...

animedude639 loves Mario and hates Sonic and will post several debates about that per week.

1 point

Seems pretty accurate - what are you joe ?

I'm the guy that likes to stir the pot and doesn't take anything seriously ;)

You will learn to hate the 50 character minimum limit.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

You can find your way around this by adding a lot of spaces then typing in your period.

1 point

true .

The object of this site is to "stir the pot!"

I have made it my life's mission to stir the pot as much as humanly possible. It is a thankless job. I've been called an asshole, bigoted, troll. But the job is very rewarding. ;)

I don't take anything serious so whenever I find what it is that you take serious, it's time for me to start stirring ;)

You can get more information about me here:

On occasion people start to bitch about the point system. Nothing ever gets done about it and after a few days, it's back to business as usual. I don't worry about points, but then again, I have more points than I know what to do with. ;)

Here's a list of persuasive people.

Here's a list of provocative people.

Here's a list of outspoken people.

Here's a list of creative people.

These categories will help you identify people who don't have a life. ;)

Newbies can find themselves listed here:

You can use the above list to make allies with other newbies and try to overthrow the established status quo or you can make allies with the established status quo and bask in our greatness ;)

You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here:

or you can take the grand tour here:

Can we sticky this?

1 point

Try using the "Waterfall"... I didn't discover this feature for a while and it's very useful. The site is very slow at times and this feature can tell you everything that is happening right now. (and sometimes that's nothing)

1 point

As a newbie I must say thank you .

Think nothing of it. You'll be debating like an old pro in no time ; )