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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Why yes, yes he should. Oh my...
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Why yes, yes he should. (3)
 Oh my... (13)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Should HellNo complain that I post UberHumor crap?

Why yes, yes he should.

Side Score: 4

Oh my...

Side Score: 22
1 point

Why yes! But I don't!

Side: Why yes, yes he should.

She seems cold ;)

Side: Oh my...

I'd warm her up, if you know what i mean. lol.

Side: Oh my...
2 points

Hotness...what was the question? ;)

Side: Oh my...
2 points

Well, I'm not complaining about this....

Side: Oh my...
2 points

I saw the pic, stared at it a little bit, scrolled down to read the comments, and then scrolled back up and saw her in a different pose. It confused me for a second. The GIF took a little while to load properly lol.

Side: Oh my...

What's the humor in this?

Side: Oh my...

I think it means that the joke is in your hands ;)

Side: Oh my...
1 point

Well, if you play your cards right, the joke could be in your hands. Or your joke could be in my hands.

Or we could reach around all these butting-heads debates and have jokes in each others hands.

Side: Oh my...

A vote down from a coward but it's okay.

Side: Oh my...
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

What heterosexual guy would complain about that? the joke is there somewhere

Side: Why yes, yes he should.

Melanie Iglesias

If anyone's wondering.

Side: Oh my...

Nothing is hotter than a gamer girl with awesome breasts.

Side: Oh my...
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

That may be true but if she's got nothing on, Jessica Nigri

Side: Oh my...

Shes hot, but i am more into brunettes

Side: Oh my...