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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Go for it joe. Isn't this a plagiarized comic
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Go for it joe. (5)
 Isn't this a plagiarized comic (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Should I write a self help book?

I'm thinking about writing a self help book.  There's a huge market for that stuff and it's easy.

First you convince people that there's something wrong with them.  That's easy because marketing has already conditioned people to feel insecure about their weight, looks, social status, sex appeal, and so on.

Then, you convince them that the problem is not their fault and that they're vicitms of larger forces.  That's easy because it's what people believe anyway.  Nobody wants to be responsible for his own situation.

Finally, you convince them that with your expert advice and encouragement, they can conquer their problem and be happy.

The problem I want to help people solve is their addiction to self help books.  It's called, "Shut up and stop whining:  How to do something with your life besides think about yourself."


Go for it joe.

Side Score: 5

Isn't this a plagiarized comic

Side Score: 1
1 point

Only if it's between that and a book on spelling. _

Side: Go for it joe.

Damn auto-correct. ;)

Side: Go for it joe.
sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

Well now my comment doesn't make any sense. Thanks for trying to make me look like a dumbass. I would never do that to you.

Side: Go for it joe.

I might consider reading it.

Side: Go for it joe.
1 point

I'm actually betting this would be a best seller!

I say go for it!

Side: Go for it joe.
1 point

Here's a self help song for all of the complainers out there

John Butler Trio- Better Than
Side: Go for it joe.

The problem is that if my program works, I won't be able to write a sequel. ;)

Side: Isn't this a plagiarized comic