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Si poor special needs migrants Screw that
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Screw that (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should businesses be legally required to provide Spanish translators?


political correctness is killing this country.

Si poor special needs migrants

Side Score: 0

Screw that

Side Score: 7
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This can be summed up very quickly. You either believe that most people/businesses are racist and business act according to their racist nature before striving for the all mighty dollar, or you believe that most people are not racist and business strive for the all mighty dollar before acting on their racist nature.

Side: Screw that

Americans are getting as stupid as us Canadians.

Side: Screw that

Absolutely Not, a business should be allowed to freely run their business standard in whatever language that they want. In some Spanish driven areas, it would probably be wise in order to adopt to the market and surroundings, but laws are totally unnecessary.

Side: Screw that

That's how it ought to be, but in Canada many a business provides French translations.

Side: Screw that

If there is a large enough spanish speaking population in the area, then it would probably make economic sense depending on the business, but I think a law would be unnecessary (except for maybe cases like pharmacies in which people may be seriously harmed.)

Side: Screw that

Do you think that suicide should be outlawed ?

Side: Screw that

I think it should be punishable by death.

What's the point in making a law that is unenforceable?

Side: Screw that