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Sounds like it's working. Really? WTF?
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Sounds like it's working. (2)
 Really? WTF? (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should gay Americans follow the gay Chinese model?

In a country where homosexuality was classified as a mental illness until quite recently, gays and lesbians are finding novel ways to “act straight.”

Xiaojiong has the ultimate online dating success story. On a Chinese matchmaking forum, she not only found her current husband—she found her current girlfriend, too.

The Internet has changed everything. Isolated gays and lesbians are now able to socialize with others all over the country and find people in their hometowns who are also living in the closet—creating real-life friendships and communities.  The Internet also has allowed for the emergence of a new way to “act straight.”

In a country where the pressure to get married is strong and starts early, it has long been common for gays to marry straight spouses. Now, some are finding what they consider a better alternative. Known as “cooperative marriages,” or hunzuo hunyin, gay men and lesbian women are increasingly marrying each other—often aided by the Internet. (Such marriages are also known as “fake marriage” [jia jiehun] or “ritual marriage” [xingshi hunyin].)

Xiaojiong, in fact, was one of the first to create an online forum for gay men and lesbian women to find such marriage partners. At the time, her motivation was to find herself a husband. “I was already 25 and my parents were pressuring me, non-stop, to get married,” she says of why she began her venture in 2007. “I couldn't find a website for cooperative marriages so I started my own.”

Those who join her forum need to answer the following questions to set up their profiles: “Do you want to live with your spouse or live apart? Do you want to have children or not? Do you want to get a marriage certificate or just have the ceremony? Do you want to get divorced?”

“When gay men and lesbian women marry each other, they can agree on the terms of marriage so they could keep living how they want to,” Xiaojiong says. “It's not fair for straight people to get stuck in marriages with miserable gay people.”

The site is popular and Xiaojiong organizes regional meetups for members to share experiences and support each other. It was at one of those gatherings that Xiaojiong met her girlfriend.  Xiaojiong is a “T” (tomboy), and her girlfriend Xiaopu is a “P” (feminine-style). They live in a large apartment they share with another lesbian couple.

“We're such a happy family. Two 'T's', two 'P's', two dogs and two cats!” says Xiaopu.

And their family is growing bigger. When they moved in together three years ago, all four women were in search of gay husbands. Last autumn, they each found a man and got married—within weeks of one other—each throwing a lavish wedding that successfully deceived their families, friends, and co-workers. The women continue to live together as before, occasionally attending family gatherings with their spouses.

Brian, a 34-year-old engineer in Beijing who prefers not to use his real name, feels lucky to have a healthy relationship with his lesbian wife and to have found her online in only a few months when it can take others years to find the right match. “She's really independent,” he says. “We have similar career goals and agreed to live separately and share family expenses equally.”

Since the birth of their son last month, however, Brian admits they will face some difficult decisions and challenges. “The boy is living with my wife's parents now, but if we're going to raise him as a family, we will live together and need to discuss how to split the responsibilities. We're also starting to talk about what to tell our son when he gets older.”



Sounds like it's working.

Side Score: 2

Really? WTF?

Side Score: 11
1 point

Better this than redefining the meaning and definition of marriage by permitting same-sex "marital" unions. Unfortunately, I doubt American Homosexuals would even try it, social conformity is not what they're aiming for.

Side: Sounds like it's working.
zephyr20x6(2387) Disputed
1 point

What is so bad about redefining homosexual marriage? I doubt marriage has always strictly meant to be between one man and one woman, it was our culture that did that, as our society.


: an intimate or close union"

Side: Really? WTF?
unownmew(160) Disputed
1 point

What is bad about it, is that it's bastardizing the language, and the common law.

Marriage has always forever been strictly between male and female. If it has ever been anything else, that culture is long gone, erased from history, and not surprisingly either.

Even the Greeks and the Romans, widely accepting of homosexual and pedophilic relations, never granted a homosexual union sanction as a "marital" union (except in the case of a single mentally deranged king using governmental authority for privilege not granted to plebs)

Why? Because Marriage is not about love, or sex, or living together. Marriage is, and has always been, about procreation and the inheritance rights of offspring, and the ever continuance of human society. None of which apply to homosexuals. They can do what they want, but the legal benefits of marriage are for the Encouragement of procreative unions to keep society alive, and the other benefits are for the upbringing and inheritance rights of offspring that result from such procreative unions.

Side: Sounds like it's working.

And people thought that my approach to gay marriage was warped ;)

Side: Really? WTF?

They made a change because their government forced them to. They had no say in the matter it was either act straight or be criminalized. Here in the U.S. there's no law against being gay, so to try to be something else would only be hurting yourself with no life saving benefits.

Side: Really? WTF?