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Yup. Nope.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yup. (1)
 Nope. (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should hunting be illegal?



Side Score: 1


Side Score: 11

Animals don't have guns to defend themselves. Animals are helpless.

Side: Yup.
1 point

NO ----- with some qualifiers.

If you must hunt to eat, its necessary and a part of the natural order of things.

If you are culling the herd to prevent some from starving to death.

To stop the spread of a disease.

Side: Nope.

Did you even see the video? ;)

Side: Nope.
1 point

Some people survive that way. They'd rather eat meat, they killed themselves, rather than be spoon fed it by the government and or private organizations that could tamper with it somehow.

Side: Nope.

Did you even see the video? ;)

Side: Nope.
1 point

No, hunting is actually a humane way of killing animals, if it is for the sake of meat and not just for fun. The simple fact of the matter is that animals that are factory farmed are often abused and treated very cruelly. Hunting allows the animal to have a full and productive life before they are killed. Not to mention that hunting allows people to understand the full extent of what it means to kill an animal. When a person picks up a slab of meat at the supermarket, it is easy to forget that, that piece of meat once had a face, a family, and a life. In Brazil, a social experiment was recently conducted about this idea. In the experiment, the people involved were offered a piece of tasty sausage. When they agreed to buy it, the chef took a live pig and pretended to put it into the machine. Not only did nobody want the sausage, but some people even started crying. The idea of an animal's sacrifice is something that many hunters are aware of, especially when they only kill for the sake of survival. This could potentially decrease the amount of meat that people eat to what is necessary, as with understanding of suffering, comes a certain level of respect, especially in a society as sensitive as ours. So no, hunting for food shouldn't be illegal. Hunting for fun, on the other hand, is simply cruel.

Side: Nope.

Did you even see the video? ;)

Side: Nope.
2 points

Yeah, I watched it a while ago. I found it funny but somewhat irrelevant...

Side: Nope.
1 point

I don't want strangers invading my home in the dead of winter, do you?!?!?!!?!?!1111

Side: Nope.

Are you saying your hands are cold? ;)

Side: Nope.