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 Should presidents/anyone be depicted as monkeys? (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should presidents/anyone be depicted as monkeys?

Why doesn't this image cause outrage.....


monkey 1

....but this one does?

monkey 2


monkey 6

monkey 7

monkey 4

monkey 3

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3 points

Bush was compared to a chimpanzee for the last 8 years...

and the cartoon wasn't even pointing towards Obama... because, in case people are too stupid to realize this, OBAMA DIDN'T WRITE THE STIMULUS BILL!!!!

House Democrats did. The cartoon was clearly comparing the writers of the bill to A CRAZY CHIMPANZEE. We actually often compare hectic things to crazy chimpanzees or monkeys. that's been in culture for quite some time now.

Side: PC is a one way street

I don't think the monkeys appreciate it ;)

Side: PC is a one way street
1 point

Its culturally insensitive to compare African Americans to monkeys because such comparisons are usually made to dehumanize people that are really just like you and me. You know, it wasn't very long ago that black people were persecuted and enslaved in this country.

Side: It can be racist

OK, but why isn't it insensitive to compare white males to monkeys? Why is political correctness a one way street?

Side: It can be racist

Well, we evolved from apes, so why is it rude or racist to compare humans to them. We're just like them.

Side: We did evolve from them
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

Well, we didn't actually,

we both evolved, us and apes, simultaneously from a common ancestor.

Side: It can be racist
1 point

Well, I was called a monkey all the time in high school, and I'm obviously white.

The difference though is, when comparing myself or Bush Jr. to a primate, it's specific to us, and has reasons that relate to our size/mannerisms/IQ, whatever. Not our heritage.

In the past, blacks have been compared to primates based on nothing. It wasn't individual, the way it was for myself, or Bush Jr. The stereotype was/is if you're black, you're like a monkey, no matter what you really look or act like.

It became a derogatory statement. Because that's what we made it.

If we lived in a world where we had not already made it a racist comparison, then one could compare anyone they wanted to anything they wanted, and it would be mean, kinda funny sometimes, and not racist.

But everyone knows that is not the case.

The artist claims that it was about Nancy Pelosi. That's BS. It was a racist comment targeting a black person. That's why the "joke" works. It doesn't work if it isn't racist.

Well, it doesn't work eitherway, outside of people like the artist and a percent of the Post readers, who enjoy calling black people monkeys.

But the big problem is not the racist comment.

The big problem is a cartoon calling for the assissination of a President.

I'm pretty sure that's considered treason.

Side: It can be racist
2 points

I think people are reading way too much into that cartoon. It's also presumptuous to claim to know the true motive of a person.

Are far as Pelosi, I have picked up the habit of replacing the phrase, "BS" with "Pelosi" as in, "That's a bunch of Pelosi, you Pelosi artist!" Sometimes I cover my mouth and pretend to cough but in reality I'm saying, "Pelosi!" ;)

Side: It can be racist