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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes, let's Let's not and say we did
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Yes, let's (9)
 Let's not and say we did (5)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should we add a new debate category called Cricket Debates


Cricket Debates are debates that no one comments on.  Debates where once they are posted, the entire site grows quiet.  So quiet in fact that you can only hear the crickets ;)

Here's an example of a Cricket Debate:

Yes, let's

Side Score: 11

Let's not and say we did

Side Score: 5

If we had a Cricket Debate category then we would have a way to categorize those debates ;)

Side: Yes, let's

I don't see nothing wrong with it it sounds like something we should have.

Side: Yes, let's

I think the correct meme is, "Seems legit" ;)

Side: Yes, let's
1 point

Works for me.

Cricket sound
Side: Yes, let's

Good idea, we could just post these on cricket debates. I have a few that would work.

Side: Yes, let's
1 point

My and PrayerFails's debates would fill it up pretty quickly.

Side: Let's not and say we did
BenWalters(1513) Disputed
1 point

You do realise that you only have 2 debates out of 36 that have no arguments? I agree that there are few that turn into proper discussion, but you must realise that your many of your debates require a certain depth of understanding of the subject that few have, if they want to properly debate, and restricts most users only to a basic conclusion on the debate, yet alone proper debate.

Go onto your debates, view all, go by most arguments, and click the few at the bottom. It's true.

Side: Yes, let's
1 point

I hadn't realized this. Perhaps I'm receiving even fewer notifications than I had thought.

Side: Yes, let's

Wow! I hadn't realized I was that good ;)

Side: Yes, let's

Well that is up to Andy. I find the topic interesting but i think that will add pointless work for Andy. I believe that adding topics or anything to this site is difficult. And it all costs money.

Side: Let's not and say we did

It was meant as a joke ;)

Side: Let's not and say we did
1 point

Ok Joe, I like the humor...but, I much prefer when we get a visit from a seemingly innocent newcomer just to find out that they are as animated and opinionated as the rest of the regulars. Whenever a not so nasty but opinionated person shows up the dite stats jump way up! I need that it si a good debates make me sad! But, if you want a way to find debates that are neglected or orphaned, we could work on that.


Side: Let's not and say we did

Andy..., I was kidding. I was trying to be funny. Sorry for the confusion.

Side: Let's not and say we did