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We should. Screw that.
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 We should. (8)
 Screw that. (9)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Should we change the title from First Lady to First Person?


That way if gay marriage becomes the law of the land and we elect a married gay person, we'll be set.

We should.

Side Score: 9

Screw that.

Side Score: 13

We should also look for other areas in our lives where we can make a gender neutral change ;)

Side: We should.
joecavalry(40131) Clarified
1 point

We should also stop segregating bathrooms and changing rooms ;)

Side: We should.
1 point

By doing so, we are creating a platform from which governmental systems will be able to promote LGBT rights. Changing "lady" to "person" would not only reduce gender bias but also give the same respect to the president's partner regardless of his/her sex, in turn giving the public a message that's acceptable in the 21st century: homosexuality is not wrong. Taking the US into perspective, where federal law still does not approve of LGBT rights but state laws do, we are making progress by declaring the US as a country that is open and welcome to same-sex relationships and, therefore, same-sex marriages.

Side: We should.
1 point

I think you are missing a really easy reason to change it that wouldn't have anything to do with homosexuality. What if a woman were president? It wouldn't make much sense to call her husband the first lady would it? I don't think it would sound like a pro gay thing as much as it would sound like a pro woman thing.

Side: We should.
1 point

Why is it that you would rather have a gay president before a woman president?

Side: We should.

Women PMS, gay men do not. ;)

Side: We should.
1 point

We also have your babies, fellas, so stop whining. ;) .

Side: Screw that.

Gasp! Sexy Joey cums up with a serious debate! ;) Seriously though, First Spouse, or First Person would be awesome.

Side: We should.
3 points

"First Person" just sounds like a lame, contrived attempt at gender neutrality. Just keep it as First Lady or change it to First Man, depending on the respective gender of the President's partner.

Side: Screw that.
1 point

If you elected a "married" gay man president, the term "first lady" would still be somewhat accurate, keep it!

Side: Screw that.
1 point

Why not just have the title "First Man/Gentleman" or "First Lady" respective of their gender and not their sexual preference?

After all wouldn't we do this anyway if we were to elect a female president? We wouldn't call her husband the "First Lady." …Would we?

LOL, Joe you crack me up. If this debate were authored by anyone else I would have thought of it as a ridiculous attempt at flame baiting an audience or provoking supporters with a redundant adherence to gender/sexuality equality issues …. Wait a minute…

Side: Screw that.

If we ever elect a woman president, then I would fully expect people to argue that the dictionary states that the first lady is the spouse of the president. ;)

Side: Screw that.
joecavalry(40131) Clarified
1 point

The founding fathers clearly intended the First Lady to be a woman... ONLY!!!! ;)

Side: We should.
1 point


I would not at all be suprised if a movement were to develop dedicated to raising awarness to the significance of such an issue...

heck, they'd probably even give it a spot on the "news."

Side: Screw that.
1 point

My side isn't "Screw that," but more of a "Let's think of a better name here."

First person makes me think of First person shooters. Very awkward as a political title... but in all seriousness, first person is a perspective, so it's not a very good name.

First Gentleman seems a little, off, but let's use that as what we should do if we can't come up with anything... Plus, "First Lady" isn't an actual title; it's unofficial. We can change it or bend it at will. Soooo yeah :3

Side: Screw that.

Let's keep it as First Lady.

As it stands now, we have the potential for a gay man or a woman to be elected as president. As such, there is potential to bestow the title of 'First Lady' onto a very masculine man. I endorse this, for the lulz.

Preservation of potential lulz for future generations is a responsibility we all hold.

Side: Screw that.