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Let's do it! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:56
Total Votes:64
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 Let's do it! (20)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (21)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should we start calling the new VP Kamala-Whackala

Let's do it!

Side Score: 30

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 26

I think it has a nice ring to it. Kinda rolls off your tongue ;)

Side: Let's do it!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I love things that roll off tongues. :-) !

Side: Let's do it!

I think I'll make it part of my repertoire ;)

Side: Let's do it!
1 point

If that's the worst name she's called by the time her tenure ends she should be well pleased.

The unpleasant truth is that those nations which are hostile to the U.S.A., are not going to treat poor old Joe with contempt and will quite rightly be more wary of Whackala.

Iran has already recommenced its uranium enrichment program, Russia has increased its cyber attacks of U.S, utility installations, China has launched cyber attacks on America's nuclear defensive facilities and North Korea has had a massive military parade to welcome Kamala-Whackala and Joe the cabin boy into office.

Ms Whackla may not endure the cyber attacks and provocative gestures as passively as Jogging Joe.

Side: Let's do it!
1 point

How 'bout a little respect until she does something wrong?? She's definitely smarter than Sarah Palin .... she FINISHED college courses. She got a legitimate degree in LAW. Is there ANY respect on the right .... I mean, excluding their leaders ....??? ;-)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I only ever hear calls for respect for leaders when there is a leftist in power.

Fuck that. Public office by itself earns nothing but sharp criticism and mockery. Left right and center. None earn respect by winning a popularity contest.

With that said, she got her start in politics by fucking her way up the ladder. I think fucking for profit should be considered a right mind you. So I expect to see this admin do great things for expanding the legitimization of sex work.

Side: Let's do it!
Jody(1791) Disputed
2 points

I’m not gonna argue with you as you own 6 guns and your wife has mace and you admit you hate the Irish ☘️ I’m truly terrified 😱😨😰

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

That's because nobody calls for respect when a rightist is in power .... they don't know the meaning of the word. ;-)

Side: Let's do it!
Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

Mr vague Amarel who values freedom of speech above all bans me on his debate 🤔 better not argue he has ......6 guns 😎

Yeah, and gun statistics. I was bragging about relative causes of accidental death too. Then I bragged about suicide around the world. I'm such a braggart. I even boast in the vaguest possible terms about whatever this debate topic might possibly be about, we may never know! Lol

Incorrect , you only bragged about one thing which was “ BTW I own six guns “ many is it again ?

Jesus christ everything is a threat to you! Is this space unsafe? Do Irish snowflakes produce yellow snow?

Just calling you out on your constantly boasting how many guns you own and how tough you are , don’t get so upset 😭 you’re a real tough guy not to be fucked with many guns do you own again ?

You just pull bullshit out of thin air don't you. I insulted secular white you for being Irish and you pretend that's an extension of classism, racism, and religiosity.

That’s exactly what it is with your snerring racist remarks , listen I know you think you’re a “hard case “ you’re not ,you’re a big mouthed braggert who thinks his threats are scary ....maybe on your wife not on me mate

Ok get why you follow burrito, his shit posts at least maintain the appearance of relevance. Fuckin idiot.

Great 👌 So tell us why you’re so racist what is it you hate about the Irish? I know you have 6 guns but I’m not scared 😱 anymore why do you hate the Irish as you claimed?

Well, this is getting kind of boring. I think I'll ban you now.

Good luck with that 🤣 Please don’t shoot Mr “I own 6 guns “😢

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I only ever hear calls for respect for leaders when there is a leftist in power.

Listen to me, you ridiculously stupid fucking extremist dickhead: BIDEN IS NOT A LEFTIST. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A LEFTIST IN POWER IN THE UNITED STATES.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

No! We shouldn’t! Just because you are jealous of her success and decide to call her name won’t do anything and never will! You think she cares?!?! Lol no. Sorry you guys have to call someone a name to cope with yourselves for five minutes, have some respect for her!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!