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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 True. (2)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Some people are NOT homophobic, they just hate the Nutcracker.


Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 2

I've been saying this all along ;)

Side: True.

The irony of saying nutcracker in reference to gays. ;)

Side: True.
1 point

That's bigoted towards the the nutcracker.

I, as a dancer born in a humans body, am appalled to see that people still exist like this in the world. I have a fiery soul, sending burning passion through my veins, and I need to let it out. If you can't accept that, then get of the stage because it's my time to shine.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

There's no dancing on Create Debate ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!