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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

True Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 True (5)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (1)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

The Government should provide Nationalized Day Care


The government already provides Nationalized Health Care so

Nationalized Day Care is not so far fetched.

The government would be as good with the children as it is with the adults.

The Government would keep children safe from

cigarette smoke, and underaged drinking.

It would provide birth control, abortions, and school lunches.

It would force the kids to wear seatbelts, teach them about recycling, global warming and evolution.

Parents would then be free to go to work and improve the economy.

I know that some parents would abuse the system and

drop the kids off at the Gov. sponsored Day Care early in the morning

before going to a bar, where they'll spend the rest of the day.

Some parents would just take the day off instead of going to work.

But currently we have welfare

and able bodied citizens sit at home waiting for their check

before going to a bar, where they'll spend the rest of the day.

There will always be the bad apples.

Don't let that spoil it for everyone else.

And once we figure out how to grow children

outside of a woman's womb,

the government could take care of procreation as well.

In short, why stop there?


Side Score: 5

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 1

I think that we can get Obama on board and have him implement this. Oh sure, we would have to pay higher taxes but it's worth it. I mean, think about it. Right now we pay higher taxes to pay for education, police, fire department, roads, etc. It's all good. And the rich would benefit from it so they should pay the most in order to implement Obama Day Care ;)

Side: True

Instead of adult day care through the system of welfare, national children day care provides care from the cradle to the grave where there will no be personalized individuals with indoctrinated minds.

Oh wait, this sounds familiar....this is basically government education except cradle to the grave.

Oh well,


Side: True
1 point

"Oh wait, this sounds familiar....this is basically government education except cradle to the grave."

You'll get all your nationalists screaming about how America's becoming communist.

Side: True
1 point

Absolutely. Whether or not you decide to have kids, the world needs kids and we should all chip in.

Side: True

Chip in as in provide much needed sperm? If so, I guess I could donate to that charity. I mean, it's for a good cause..., right ;)

Side: True

As the government takes control of more and more aspects of our lives, we become like cattle because the government would mandate to us what we can and cannot do. We would be effectively owned by the state. We would be like slaves but with the illusion that we are not. But what do I know..., I'm just some joe on a social network site ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!