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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:7
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joecavalry(40130) pic

The "Problem of Evil" proves the existance of God.

If God is all-knowing,



and yet...,

there is evil in the world...,

then that means that


messed up the world.

Inanimate objects do not make mistakes. 

Therefore, whatever screwed up this world is animate.

Q.E.D. There is a God.

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Some of you might argue that "we" screwed up the world..., in which case..., we are Gods ;)

1 point

Red Herring; not a valid conclusion, as if we presume God exists that said God has the qualities of tri-omi, then, even on the slim chance he did a make a mistake (which probably wouldn't be a MISTAKE), he could simply revert, it being all powerful, and all...

1 point

The universe is balanced, evil is no more a mistake than good. They both are, and will be.

There is nothing like "Evil", there's just different points of view on a same thing.

1 point

"Evil" is a human construct. Useful. But just something we made up.

When whales catch a seal, and they toss it about basically torturing it for what is often hours, that is not evil, it just is because they do not have the capacity to feel for that seal.

However, us having that capacity, most and hopefully all sane humans would agree that torturing a seal for hours even if the plan is to eventually eat it, is "evil."

If there were an all powerful god, and if given that our capacity to understand the concept of evil is more complex than say a whale's, this means that like us to the whale, a god would have a completely different concept of this idea.

How very human our perception of what is evil is, more points to it being solely human. If there were some god to determine the nature of this phenomenon to us, it would seem alien to our small brains.

So no. It if anything strengthens the argument against any deity.

But..., I already put Q.E.D. and everything..., and you didn't..., so there ;)