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Bill O'Reilly Jon Stewart
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Bill O'Reilly (2)
 Jon Stewart (2)

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The Rumble 2012 Bill O'Reilly vs Jon Stewart DEBATE

Bill O'Reilly

Side Score: 2

Jon Stewart

Side Score: 2

Jon Stewart is full of shit ;)

Side: Bill O'Reilly
1 point

They both kind of suck, and I can't watch it because of the video was removed, but I'm going to just post on this side.

I think neither won. They represent the middle intellects of the world, arguing over Republicans vs. Democrats and seeing who can be the most "revolutionary" while still being status quo. Bill O'Reilly is a T-Warrior, Jon Stewart is a neo-liberal. In the end, they both think that government is inherently good and that it's okay to give a select few people the ability to tell us what to do.

They both don't understand economics. Stewart believes that the poor can be "helped" if we just redistribute wealth through higher taxation and social programs. O'Reilly believes that the economy will flourish if we just lower taxes. Neither would ever consider free markets because that takes power away from the hands of the whoever's in charge and puts it into a much more diverse demographic. Most people are afraid, because they think Americans are stupid enough to need to be controlled. They put their faith in their political leaders, and hope to hell that the political leaders that THEY think are right will be the ones in charge.

Otherwise, they'd just blame the entirely flawed system on the right leaders not being elected, as opposed to the entire system that they support in the first place that has been allowing for corruption, restrictions, human rights violations, civil liberties violations, and mistreatment of people in general to happen.

Democrats will tell you that corporations will take over if government isn't strong enough, as if government is ruled by Angels and corporations is ruled by Devils. As if the incentive for more consumers will not get in the way of putting poison into your food.

Republicans will point to bestiality and polygamy as reasons for why we need legal standards. As if the integrity of the collective is limited by our lack of morality and consideration for our fellow man. We have to worry more about others than ourselves, even if others don't care.

O'Reilly and Stewart are both Collectivists. They believe that your purpose is to serve everyone else. They believe that you can not just be an individual. It doesn't matter if you hurt no one, you either serve the collective or got to prison. The society we've established is legalized slavery.

Side: Bill O'Reilly
1 point

It was a bit of a sudo debate, where they where trying to get laughs more than anything. I don't feel either one won the debate, people already had their minds made up before they arrived. Its hard to determine who was a winner though because they both had genuine points intertwined with lightharted humor. Jon Stewart was funnier but Bill was not bad considering it's not his trade. What I think they showed though was that they had more in common than a lot of people give them credit for. Now when Bill O'Rielly is on the Daily Show he gets a cheer from the audience. I have a lot more time for O'Rielly because of the Daily Show.

The intresting point they both got across was "If the news doesn't agree with your point of view you can keep changing channel untill you find one that does"

Someone tweetted it was one of the ten most important political debates on that evening.

Side: Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is so much more proficient that Bill O'Reilly and better educated with what is going on in the world and adding a touch of sarcasm to a particular event.

Side: Jon Stewart