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True. Trump is racist.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 True. (2)
 Trump is racist. (5)

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jolie(9810) pic

The refugee problem is not as simple as the media would have you believe.

Have there been other problems associated with refugees not related to terrorism? I thought I saw something about problems in Switzerland and France. Are they going to have jobs waiting for them? If so, are the jobs blue collar jobs? Blue colar jobs are going away due to automation and a cheaper labor force over seas. Is it going to put a strain on the economy if they start drawing benefits like welfare? Are other Arab countries taking in these refugees?


Side Score: 2

Trump is racist.

Side Score: 5
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1 point

This debate is not fair. To answer those questions requires critical thinking. Liberals do not want to think. They just want the sound bites and talking points. They want a simple solution that goes along with their simple way of thinking and simple view of the world. Therefore, Trump is a racist. Anything he does is bad. If he wants to keep refugees out, then we should let them in. ;)

Side: Trump is racist.
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

The questions in the original post are racist ;)

Side: True.
1 point

It is really difficult to discuss whether the refugees will make the USA even more money when they are fleeing from torture. It is a question of what is important.

Side: Trump is racist.
1 point

You should have room in your home for at least one refugee. He can sleep on the couch. I bet he would even be greatful for a spot on the floor. So why not take one in? Just one. It is important ;)

Side: Trump is racist.
1 point

I have had a refugee stay at my house yeah.

Side: Trump is racist.