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They need a tax cut. Fire the chef.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 They need a tax cut. (2)
 Fire the chef. (1)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

The super rich can't pay more in taxes because being super rich is super expensive.

They need a tax cut.

Side Score: 3

Fire the chef.

Side Score: 1
1 point

Once you fly first class... you can't fly coach.

Side: They need a tax cut.
1 point

I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better. Rich people are usually clever and can easily devise legal ways to avoid paying too large a % of their hard earned dosh for the financing and support of 10s of 1000s of females and their illegitimate brats just because their slut mothers couldn't say no, billions of pounds in foreign aid, politician's fraudulent expenses claims, treating 10s of 1000s of foreign nationals on the National Health Service, an over subscribed and criminally inefficient civil service, providing benefits to low life immigrants, legal and illegal from the failed nations of the world and more, much more. No sirree Bob, the rich man didn't work his testicles off to provide a cushy lifestyle for the filth which infests our society.

Side: They need a tax cut.
1 point

Hell I can't afford to be poor, everything cost too much!

Side: Fire the chef.