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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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joecavalry(40131) pic

The term partner should be extended to heteros cohabitating w someone of the opposite sex

When we use the term "partner," in the current vernacular, as in, "This is my partner <insert name here>" we usually mean that we are in a gay relationship with that person.  That's clearly anti-hetero and leads to hetero bashing.  We should instead allow heteros to have partners as well.  Why should gays be the only ones to get the "partner" benefits?  It is our right to have partners and no one has the right to deny us our partners.  Now we can obviously come up with a new word to describe a hetero "partner" relationship but why should we do that when we can just piggy back on an already perfectly good word.  All we have to do is extend its meaning to allow hetero "partners."  And if you disagree, then you are a heterophobe.


Side Score: 12

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 0
1 point

I've always used the term partner for any unmarried couple when referring to their "other half".

Side: True

Oh yeah! Well I'm offended that couples are referred to as one individual. I'm in a relationship and I'm one whole person, not a half.

OK, I'm not really offended but this is a debate site so I figured I have to at least fake being offended. Was I convincing ;)

Side: True
1 point

I'll be polite and say you had me totally convinced... lol

Side: True
1 point

Besides, they aren't referred to as an individual as much as a single entity. And one person is one-half of that entity but are still an individual. Does that work for a debate for you?

Side: True
1 point

I agree. My grandma has a boyfriend and they have lived together for about 40 years and are now retired together. For some reason, they choose not to marry, so we refer to them as partners.

Side: True

The current use of the word partner limits our thinking. ;)

Side: True
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