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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. That's how I grew up.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 True. (4)
 That's how I grew up. (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

There's no reality in Reality TV.

For example:

The Karadhians


I mean, REALLY???


Side Score: 5

That's how I grew up.

Side Score: 4

It has been pretty much proven that the Kardashian's show is staged.

Supporting Evidence: proof (
Side: True.
1 point

now you realise? :O

Side: True.

I think it depends on the show you are watching. For example some of theshows on HGTV are pretty realistic simply because you don't have any room to plan things out. Especially when a lot of money is at risk. Shows like "Real Housewives" may be real, but the people behind the screen made the decision to place girls with personalities that are very far fetched into a show together in hopes of massive drama.

Side: True.
1 point

ah well, maybe some shows, do have a bit of the reality. but when there's some stupid plot twist, all the lines are scripted and you can feel the bad, sad acting of being angry and mad at each other that the people do on screen. urgh!

Side: True.
2 points

I think the horrible personalities of the people involved with these shows is absolutely real. So, some reality, but not much.

Side: That's how I grew up.

So are you saying that, people are only imagining what's happening and those people whom play the roles are not real?

Everything I know is a lie!!! D:

Side: That's how I grew up.
1 point

That's not how I grew up; but unfortunately there are going to be kids growing up watching that shit and they are going to think its real and start acting that way.

So it more a sign of shitty people to come.

Side: That's how I grew up.