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Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!! Bastards
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:23
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 Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!! (7)
 Bastards (8)

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Bettyjoe(402) pic

This is what Democrats must be feeling after today's Supreme Court ruling.

Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!

Side Score: 13


Side Score: 10
3 points

Ironically that's how Massachusettes feels about its healthcare as well.

Then there's this, for like the 50th time,

Yeah, way to go richest country in the world ranked behind second world countries, woohoo! All of the top countries have a plan similar or more socialized than the affordable care act.

As for cost

Yeah, we pay the most for shitty healthcare, woohoo! Countries with universal care or plans similar to the affordable care act pay less for better healthcare.

For visiual learners, compare link 1 to link 3 here

Side: Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!
1 point

Government lies, and there is no reason to believe that health care is any different.

The three biggest lies.

If the lies are in the best interest of the government, the costs of socialized health care is no different.

Side: Bastards
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

I actually agree with the general premise of much of the link, surprisingly.

But I see no evidence that those numbers in my links have been skewed, nor reason why they would be. The position that all government is always lying is ludicrous. Government is complex, and ours is made up of people. I should think it would "lie" no more or less then a corporation, a business, or a person. Some things they lie about some things they do not.

Independent studies seem reliable to me. The amount our healthcare costs compared to countries with universal healthcare would be impossible to fake on such a scale. The health of the population of those countries compared to ours would be impossible to fake.

Side: Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!
2 points

If Americans really want to repeal Obamacare, they'll have to vote for Mitt.

Side: Bastards
Emperor(1340) Disputed
3 points

But Mitt Romney is even worse than Obama....


What a pain politics are.

Why can't we just use an ultra intelligent, highly logical robot to make decisions, based on ideas that are voted for.

The top 15 most popular ideas people vote for are entered into the robot, and the robot makes the best decision based off science research, history, politics, what people want, what is best, what is most helpful, what works and other useful qualities.

Maybe use a system like this:

Side: Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

The mandate was originally a conservative sponsered idea, mitt even set up a similar thing in MA as governor. conservatives.html

The GOP is just appealing to the likes of the birther movement. Obama originally opposed the mandate, now that he started to support it, guess what the gop doesn't like? obama.

Side: Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point


Don't be misled: Mittens is a RINO through and through.

Obama originally opposed the mandate, now that he started to support it, guess what the gop doesn't like? obama.

Is the implication supposed to be that both parties aren't equally petty and fractious in nature?

Side: Bastards

Let's derail that Jeep and see if they spill their drinks ;)

Side: Bastards
1 point

Obama sucks balls and he will go down!!! Bwhahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!

Side: Bastards
1 point

oops !

Side: Yay!!! Yes!!! Woo Whoo!!!