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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 This picture puts things into perspective (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

This picture puts things into perspective

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Just think about this for a second: Did you ever see anyone arrested wearing a Bush T-shirt, or for you older guys, an Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, or even Nixon, or Bob Dole shirt?
There MUST be a message here, but I can't quite grasp it.  Maybe you can help me out here

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Well..., this certaintly clarifies a lot and helps put things into proper perspective. ;)

1 point

This is the group the Obama campaign really went after. They make up a big percentage of the target audience of 'Obama hype'. 2008 was probably the first year most of these people ever wore shirts with presidents on them.

But yeah people who vote democrat are usually the people that tend to break the law more that's nothing new.

ps: I like how theres one guy on the left 2nd to the bottom smiling.

Side: not suprized
1 point

You might be onto something here. All communistic regimes begin by first creating social unrest and then stepping forward to offer a solution. Could this be the face of his army for change? Obama has already seized control of a large part of the economy and is working hard to get more. Just makes you wonder what his real agenda is.

Anyway, I do find all the "Obama" paraphernalia rather odd. I've never seen anything like it. Except in communistic countries were posters of the dictator's face are posted all over the place. Things that make you go hmmm!

Side: not suprized

If Obama is anything like these people, then we have nothing to worry about. I mean, how many of these people do you know of that can hang onto a job for 4 years ;)

Side: not suprized
1 point

OK this really proves the validity of what is being implied.

An online thief stole my credit card number and used it to make four donations of five dollars to who? Barack Obama at the DNC. Now we really know who supports Barack Obama. I could say a lot more but it wouldn't be nice, so I'll just leave it unsaid.

Side: not suprized