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 To whom does Israel belong to? (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

To whom does Israel belong to?

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To whoever is willing and strong enough to fight for it. ;)

1 point

It's a dump so I don't know why everyone's always fighting over it?

What a friggin hilarious video! when the zombie apocalypse comes (world war z) they'll manage to get over the walls that Israel builds to protect themselves anyway. Most of us will succumb to the deadly zombie virus so we won't even know or care. Now that science has entered the debate, we can put all of their arguments to rest. Thank you. Problem solved.

Jungelson(3959) Disputed
2 points

I call bullshit. Some people in the world hadn't heard of an outbreak, some people in Palestine even hadn't, and yet in that time Israel organised Refugee camps and built those massive freaking walls?? Israel was too prepared. It's all their fault!!! ( Now I bet ya would never imagine me saying that now, would ya :P)

BULLSHIIIIT! Jason Bourne was also undercover Mossad. Betcha didn't know THAT one, huh?

The Jews. You see war isn't fair, its kind of like a Mexican man saying "This is Mexico" in California because the war for it wasn't fair. By that Logic isn't France still Rome?