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Maybe. The world may never know.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Maybe. (4)
 The world may never know. (4)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

Was the Big Bang just God having an orgasm?


Side Score: 4

The world may never know.

Side Score: 5
1 point

Am I going to hell for this debate?

Side: Maybe.
1 point

But that would mean that God would go to hell because he was masterbating out of wedlock. Clearly impossible due to the fact that he would have to first separate the 35th cosmos from the 9th parallel so that Highest Gods could exist in the Hell Dimension, but then that would mean that humans couldn't come into existence because the presence of Highest Gods would have destroyed all of the demons that are used to make human souls.

Side: Maybe.
1 point

Yes, yes, oh my God, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Maybe.
1 point

It probably was I mean if you think about it how else was the universe made...... By science I think not.

Side: Maybe.
2 points

It was probably rape or masturbation because no woman would fall for that narcissistic maniac in all honesty.

Side: The world may never know.
1 point


Big Bang
Side: The world may never know.
1 point

That wasn't a lightening bolt he was holding in his right hand, apparently. And maybe that wasn't water the Ark was floating on.

Ummm, see you in hell!

Side: The world may never know.
1 point

Which begs one to ask, "Who or what inspired the orgasm?"

Side: The world may never know.