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True Wait..., what? No!!!!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 True (3)
 Wait..., what? No!!!! (1)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

We should get rid of handicap parking


If handicap people had to drag their bodies across the ground in order to get to their destination, I would agree that we should provide handicap parking so that we wouldn't have to wait in our cars while they dragged themselves across the parking lot to (or from) their cars.  But that's not the case.  They have wheel chairs.  They can park far away and not be out of breath when they reach the front door.  The rest of us, however, have to park in butt-fuck Egypt and by the time we get to the front door, we are tired and sweaty.

The economy would improve if fast shoppers were not too tired to shop.  You want shoppers to be rested so that they can whip around the isles throwing crap into their baskets and get them out the door and into their cars as quickly as possible so that other fast, rested, shoppers can come in to shop.  Handicap people and their parking spots clogs the system and hurts our economy.  We should do away with handicap parking.


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Side Score: 3

Wait..., what? No!!!!

Side Score: 1

Handicap parking is another example of the tail waging the dog. We should just make it easier for handicap people to shop from their home. I don't mind the small ones too much because I can zip around them but the super sized ones clog up the isles in stores. But that's just me ;)

Side: True
1 point

Well, requirements of handicap parking should be removed. It makes little sense to have government mandates that "accommodate" the handicapped. The private sector can do that on its own.

Handicap parking can be beneficial at times, but that is up to the business and consumer, not the State. Many handicap accommodations only harm the efforts of both businesses and the handicap to work with each other. Handicap person's employment has even gone down since the adaptation of stricter disability accommodations due to businesses fearing massive lawsuits.

Side: True

This is beyond the truth, this is precisely what I was thinking, you only beat me to it.

Side: True

I think handicap parking is needed for those who are crippled.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!!