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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:3
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 What are some things you wish you had never said? (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

What are some things you wish you had never said?

We've all have had our moments where we have said things that we have later regretted.  Well..., tell us so that we don't make the same mistake.  We should all learn from each other.

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I took this woman to bed once (it was our first time) and when I came out of the bathroom (all butt naked) I said, "Say hello to my little friend!" (just like in that movie, "Scar Face") I shouldn't have said that and I've regretted it all this time. So learn from my mistake ;)

1 point

OH COME ON !Are you into self mutilation, Are you a terrorist. If i start i will hog the whole entire debate. How about I just cut to the chase and say - SORRY.

1 point

Hmmmm......where do I begin????????

I will start with the worst regret......"I do"
