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QuestionMan(604) pic

What Do You Consider to be Homophobic?

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not buying broke back mountain on blue ray disc

1 point

seeing two men making-out makes me want to puke ..... ew !!

0 points

what would gross you out more...watching two men kiss...or a woman making out with great dane?

does your god forbid you from giving scooby doo a handjob?

2 points

Owh my Gawsh that man is wearing lipstick!

Kill it before it lays eggs!!!!

1 point

One who disagrees with homosexuality is not "homophobic" .. "phobic" (the fear of) .. I do not agree with homosexuality and even less same sex marriage ...... does this mean that I possess a hatred for homosexuals ?? .. not at all .. does this mean that I have a fear of homosexuals .... not at all . . . if there is to be any fear .. it should be those who practice and applaud this un-holy un-natural life style . . . God has some very harsh words for those who reject the natural order of his design for the family .. for instance Jude 6 ... And the angels who did not keep their own domain .. but abandoned their proper abode .. he has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day .. just as >> Sodom and Gomorrah > gross immorality > an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire << .......... herein lies a legitimate reason for fear ...... we are to fear not those who can kill the body .. but rather to fear HIM who has the power to destroy both body and soul in Hell ........ sleep well my friends ....

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

It doesn't make any sense for you to care about homosexuals getting married since you are saying they are only hurting themselves.

Anyone who is against Gay Rights and Gay Marriage fits the bill to be classified as homophobic.