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 What if God was a physical being we could interact with? (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

What if God was a physical being we could interact with?

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1 point

When my kids were little, I used to throw them up in the air. If God threw us in the air, we would probably end up with nose bleeds and pass out.

1 point

Careful, when the Greek gods interacted with humans there were all these giants and freaks that resulted from it. Heck, God already got Mary pregnant without even touching her, just imagine what his virility would do to the rest of us he actually touched. You'd probably even have dudes getting pregnant. Geez.

The world would be shit. I can see it now " SOMEONE TRIED TI ASSASSINATE GOD!"

1 point

UM .... God came to us in the form of Jesus ....

and we believe in him through the words of those whom he sent (Apostles) [Salvation]


HEBREWS 01:01 .. God .. after he spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways

01:02 .. in these last days has spoken to us in his Son .. whom he appointed heir of all things .. through whom also he made the world

01:03 .. and he is the radiance of his glory and the > exact representation < of his nature .. and upholds all things by the word of his power .. when he had made purification of sins .. he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high ....