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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if space nebulas are nothing more than the universe's dust bunnies?


and here we are thinking we're all special ;)

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Every time I find one of those dust bunnies I'm like, how does dust clump together to form dust bunnies? Maybe it's the same with space dust and nebulas.

1 point

So what if they are? Space is bigger than we know, as far as we know our universe is a marble that aliens play marbles with.

Side: and so what

It doesn't change a thing. They're still beautiful, and they will still continue to fascinate astronomers for all of eternity. The universe's mysteries will never cease to exist, and they will never cease to dazzle us as a race. The mysteries of nebulae are many, and celestial phenomena such as nebulae, novae, and supernovae, will never cease to amaze all who look upon them.

Side: Who cares still amazing
2 points

I agree with John. Phenomenon like these don't fail to amaze every one of us. It is fascinating to see all these marvelous colors gazing after the sky. Dust bunnies under the sofa bed sometimes looks marvelous what more if it is a dust bunnies up in heaven?

Side: Who cares still amazing
1 point

Nebula -

1. A diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation.

The closest one is the Orion Nebula. It contains apx. 700 stars, and is 2.5 million light years across.

Comparitively, if it could be said that a nebula was similar to dust bunnies, than our own sun would be similar to an electron within an atom.

But considering that all of outer space that we can see is around 156 billion light years across, and that that number we know is only a fraction of the total size,

A space nebula could not even be accurately compared to a dust bunny one may find behind their computer.

Compared to all of space, a nebula is much much smaller than even a dust bunny.

Side: they kind of are