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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Something good will come of it Nothing good will come of it
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Something good will come of it (2)
 Nothing good will come of it (1)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

What if we master developmental biology?


Something good will come of it

Side Score: 2

Nothing good will come of it

Side Score: 1
1 point

I'm going on the hope that the scientists who are smart enough to create it won't be such idiots that they'd let regular people access to this kind of thing. besides the fact that a thousand inch dick will be bigger than the person having it, there are endless limitations to the power of developmental biology. Eyes as sharp as a hawk, the speed and grace of panthers, skills of Mozart or quintessential Renaissance leaders like Leonardo da Vinci...

Side: Something good will come of it
1 point

well the scenario depicted above would certainly not happen, people are smarter than that, geneticist would allow you to improve your off spring, but not hinder it with ridiculous things, and when the time comes it will be really awesome, every generation of people will get smarter as the gene pool becomes better in every way psychologically and physically. traits that lead to immoral criminal behavior would get greatly repressed, perhaps even washed out. everyone would be very intelligent well beyond their years which of course would be the norm.

Side: Something good will come of it

With great power comes great responsibility. Humans are not a responsible lot :)

Side: Nothing good will come of it