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Debate Score:18
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 What is your prefered poison? (14)

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What is your prefered poison?

This debate is mainly for HellNo.

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2 points

Cyanide .

Water .

BEFORE you got pregnant? ;)

Still water :)

I'm surprised to see that Ireland is not represented ;)

2 points

I thought the same thing at first but Ireland's population is pretty small compared to must of those countries.... still... they have Garry... so...

1 point

God bless America, land of choices. Second in every category (except tequila, no thank you).

For myself, quantity would be Jack Daniels.

For quality it would be The Glenlivet. I have a bottle of 18 year old that I got as a gift.

For tequila, why is 0.36 more than 0.63?

Vodka. It doesn't taste as awful as some of the stronger stuff, but if you're not a heavy drinker it gets the job done.