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God Aliens
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 God (5)
 Aliens (7)

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jolie(9809) pic

What makes more sense - God or Aliens?

God VS Aliens

That's right
I went there
I hold the movie rights

Any alien race that is sufficiently advanced technologically, is indistinguishable from God


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 9

Maybe they're all one of the same.

Alien the God, Alien the Son and Alien the Holy Ghost, and of course all the Alien Angles.

Now there's an epic blockbuster for you, pity Charlton Heston wasn't around to act in the starring role.

Side: God
2 points

Aliens by far make more sense than any sort of gods do.

I am amusing you speak of Extraterrestrial Aliens? As in ET Intelligence? If so, I have always been a firm believer that we are not alone in the Universe. That we are just one of millions of Intelligent Civilizations that populate the universe. Even the Galaxy. And there are hundreds of Billions of Galaxies.

And it is very arguable that we have evidence here on Earth of Aliens visiting in the past. Roswell; all those UFO sightings; Cave drawings and paintings; abduction stories; UFO sightings, etc.

But for gods? LOL. Nothing at all on a secular level. Gods are only to be found in the fables of various holy books. And works of mythology and literature.

For example, take away the Bible, or the Torah (please!) and you have zilch as far as proof or even evidence for a god.

Nope...sorry: Aliens win this debate. Hands down!


Side: Aliens
1 point

I've seen lots of movies with aliens. There aren't nearly as many movies about God. Aliens come in all shapes and sizes. God looks like Morgan Freeman (effectively He looks like Mandela ;)

Side: Aliens
2 points


And besides: which god are you referring to?

There are thousands that have been invented by man over the eons. All inventions of the superstitious and scared evolved homo sapien mind. Serving as emotional placebos.

Just take a few minutes to peruse this list. Good God! (see what I did there?) LOL. There must be thousands of them!

And to me...none are any lesser insofar as credibility is concerned than is Yahweh. The Bronze Age Hebrew Sky God. He is just one of thousands.

Nothing more.

Nothing More.

Maybe even, a bit less than some.

And certainly Yahweh is more loathsome and unlikeable than many.

To me he has always come across as a petulant, bullying, capricious, jealous, petty, douche bag.


Side: Aliens
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

There were aliens, advanced aliens, and they even populated mutations of beasts an also humans.

Side: God
1 point

So you're coming around to my way of seeing things ;)

Side: God
1 point

I have no problem believing there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. In fact it's rather naive to think not. The building blocks for life are abundant in our universe and with the hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, each containing hundreds of billions of stars, how could there not be life?

As for God. I spent 33 years of my life believing and came to the conclusion there is no evidence for any god. I thought I'd be a good Christian and actually read through the entire Bible cover to cover and by the time I hit Exodus I realized just how ridiculous it all is. Penn Jillette once said the easiest way to become an atheist is to read the Bible and he was sure right.

Side: Aliens
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

I have posted many sources for you to look at if you really want to know. Knowledge is a choice too!

Side: God
1 point

Given the immensity of space it is far more likely that life exists somewhere else than it is that one omnipotent being does who is exclusively concerned with how his one ape-like creation on one planet believes in him or not.

Side: Aliens