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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Liberals Apple customers
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Liberals (1)
 Apple customers (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

What's the number one problem the world faces today?

Since we can't seem to agree on anything, I decided to find out who the culprits were.

I picked these two groups because they both sort of like go hand in hand.  Think about a liberal and what kind of car they drive, like a Prius or a VW Beetle with a flower sticking out of the dash board while they listen to John Lennon's *Imagine* on their iPod.  Now think of the people who drive those cars, texting on their little iPhone 4 while doing 80 on the freeway.  I've seen them and I know you have also ;)

For those of you who don't know John Lennon or his song, Imagine....

 These people would both sell their souls for a promise of Utopia.

Liberals would sell their soul to anyone who promises them hope and change.  A world where everyone is happy; Utopia.

Apple customers would sell their soul to anyone who promised them technological Nirvana.  Even though Apple products are not compatible with lots of other hardware and software used by the rest of the world and they always have something wrong with them that needs to be fixed in the next version (Can't you just wait for the iPhone 5?).  But hey...., that iPad sure looks pretty ;)

I wonder how many liberals are going to use one of their iCrap products to dispute me ;)

If only I could connect them (somehow) to Hitler..... I'm sure Glen Beck could find a way ;)


Side Score: 2

Apple customers

Side Score: 7
2 points

Damn liberals. They always try to please everybody. They can't because there are two sides to every issue and if you do one thing it's gonna upset the other side.

Side: Liberals

Freaking Apple customers with their Bling-Bling Apple products ;)

Side: Apple customers
2 points

I'm glad I don't own any Apple products. They are nothing but a gimmick to get you to spend money. You buy one product and then they come out with a new one in a year and you have to buy the new product because yours is now outdated.

Side: Apple customers

Apple releases flashy products of suspect quality and compatibility and then complains when its shares sell for 3 cents apiece. Good Lord, I hate Apple and their jogging, blogging, healthy-eating, eco-mentalist fan-base. I hate the way Steve Jobs slags off Microsoft for having "No Taste", just because they have tonnes more money than he has. I hate the way they build their "Apple-Stores" better than they build their computers, their constant release of new hardware that eclipses the shit they released six months previously, I hate their stupid logo, the weird and obscure names they use for their OS's (Snow-Leopard or something) and their obsession with the letter "i". Most of all though, I hate the people who use their products, with their radical ideas and fanciful notions about land-mines and poverty.

Side: Apple customers
1 point

Apple products represent their primary user base very well; they are trendy, fashionable computers that can't do anything powerful or versatile and are overpriced. A shallow product for a user base with shallow technical know-how.

Side: Apple customers

I wanted to say Islam, but since that's not an option in this debate, I'll go with Islamic Apple customers.

Side: Islamic Apple customers