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 What's the worse that can happen if we all decide to go Pro-Choice? (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What's the worse that can happen if we all decide to go Pro-Choice?


Here is one scenarion.

Should we all go Pro-Life instead?

Maybe we need a middle ground.

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2 points

I see that being more an issue of sexism than the consequences of abortion. If people thought boys and girls were just as good, they wouldn't be aborting many more female foetuses than male.

"We" (the majority of the U.S.) already are pro-choice. If we all go pro-choice the only difference would be that Republicans would lose their 40 year talking point on how pro-life they are (until a person is born.)

If you don't want the woman and the doctor to be arrested, then you are Pro-Choice even if you would prefer they choose life...

Don't look at me. I don't have the answers. I'm the joker on this site ;)

There are many possibilities. In fact, i don't know what stage is the embryo is consider "life." I feel like if we all go pro choice, the world will become at ease to have abortions and lots of it.

it is possible that teens may feel the need the have sex without the condom and have an abortion like it wasn't a care in the world.

If everyone decided to be pro choice, it only shows that we can all have sex without responsibility either taking care of child or no protection.

1 point

The government as well as the powerful class would become similar to China, North Korea, Soviet Russia toward its citizens. We would be treated like material. Many of us who are not particularly specialized would exist in concentration camps.

This is looking out farther than simply if the US became progressively pro-abortion across the board to when it becomes the law of the land and the foundations in the natural law will have been done away with. The devaluing of the intrinsic worth of the individual will probably happen before we all believe it to be just. Usually (what has happened in the past) is that there will be a movement in favor of workers that rejects powerful authority. The people will think they are liberating themselves; but in order to get to that stage of liberty they will be fed some line that they need to serve the cause of the workers for a time. Behind the scenes will be a cold, selfish rulership that will squeeze the population dry of all productive capacity.

Side: slavery