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 What's worse? To be called a dick, an a$$ or a pussy? And why not call someone a tit? (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What's worse? To be called a dick, an a$$ or a pussy? And why not call someone a tit?

Why the hell do people find it necessary to call eachother body parts?  What's up with that?  Why would anyone call anyone else a dick?

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I guess being called a pussy is worse because you don't really have a good come back. If you're a pussy you're bound to run into a lot of dicks. Same thing if you're a gay a$$ hole ;)

I guess people don't call each other a tit because everyone likes tits. Maybe we can use it as a term of endearment. ;)

watsup tit! hows it goin man? it's been a while.

yeah, i could see it working.

Side: Laugh in their face

if someone called me a dick I'd be like, "Oh yeah? And you're a pussy; so shut those lips before I FK them up!" But then again, I'm a pacifist ;)

Side: Laugh in their face

I don't think I really care. People have called me all of these things, and I just laugh in their faces. Also, I think nobody calls anyone else 'tit' is, as Joe stated, because of the fact that everybody likes tits :P

Side: Laugh in their face

I think "tits" should be a nick name.

"Hey Tits, come here. I want you to meet Toots. Toots, Tits. Tits, Toots."

I wonder if you could make tits toot ;)

Side: Laugh in their face
1 point

You have the strangest thoughts. I love them! How about Tits McGee? Like in Anchorman

Side: Laugh in their face

I just put my brain on neutral and let it do some free association ;)

Side: Laugh in their face