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Debate Info

Killed. Pregnant.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Killed. (6)
 Pregnant. (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

What's worse - being pregnant or being killed?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 4

Duh.. Being killed.. You watch all the TV shows where pregnancies are SO painful an you actually believe them

Side: Killed.
1 point

Pregnancies are painful but many many women are up and about within 24 hours. The pain is temporary.

Side: Killed.
CutMe(109) Disputed
1 point

So is the pain before death, IF ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 XD

Side: Pregnant.
1 point

I think it's obvious. Being killed is better than being pregnant (unless you want the child). There's been many cases of child pregnancy and 0 cases of a sad fetus. I can gurantee if you abort soon, it won't feel anything. But if that doesn't matter to you, you might as well become a vegan because animals have feelings too.

Side: Killed.

I don't care if it can't feel it, it is till a life. We should take joy in life.

Side: Killed.
CutMe(109) Clarified
1 point

That's your opinion. It's fine you think that way as long as you don't try to control everyone else.

Side: Killed.
1 point

Unless you're a guy... Then you're probably better off dead... Jk ;)

Side: Killed.
1 point

I can't believe people actually think being pregnant is better than being dead. If you're dead, you're either in peace or in a heaven of sorts (depending on your beliefs). Those are both better than child-birth. It's not always less painful, but being pregnant has consequences and being dead doesn't.

Side: Pregnant.
0 points

Pregnancy is a more painful experience in your life than death is.

Side: Pregnant.
1 point

That is very wrong, look up the pictures and tell me it doesn't look painful. And would you have enjoyed be killed by your mother's choice and you having no say in it???

Side: Killed.
CutMe(109) Disputed
0 points

Well, it wouldn't matter if we didn't have a say in our own aborting because we wouldn't be alive to say anything about it and children can't speak. As for how painful it is, I think it depends on how long the mother waits.

Side: Pregnant.