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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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joecavalry(40130) pic

What's wrong with America?

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I bet the people who beat me this week on the leader board are a bunch of illegals ;)

sauh(1106) Disputed
2 points

I think that it is in extremely bad taste to cast dispersion's on such majestic birds, especially when they are sick.

Yeah, well..., I'm illegal so I do what I want ;)

1 point

Funny, I just posted a debate about how people felt about that. I'm surprised some people decided to stand up and force the busses to turn back.

You will always find someone who isn't afraid to step outside their house. ;)

1 point

Okay then let the illegals out onto the street. They would probably start looking for a job to earn their way in life. It is why the majority come to the USA.

I find it interesting that no one thinks to let the homeless veterans into military facilities.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

I don't think its like that. It is a coincidence that the building they use the house the illegal immigrants (probably before deportation) is a barracks. There are homeless people of all sorts. If it was a hospital they'd be saying that homeless former nurses should be allowed to sleep in the hospital or pilots in an airport etc etc

1 point

Most will, but you can't get a job if your illegal... unless you do it illegally. The main problem here is drug dealers, which none of those on the bus are.