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 What will be Apple's demise; their own undoing? (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What will be Apple's demise; their own undoing?

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Apple will become practically a monopoly, they won't create new products, and their marketing and sales department will run/drive the company. ;)

1 point

Well, Tim Cook came out as gay so... he's tying to keep things fresh. But of course Microsoft's CEO will come out next year some time.

What ever happened to don't ask, don't tell ;)

1 point

I'm already preordering the iDon'tCareAboutMoreShittyProductsInAnAlreadyOversaturatedMarketOfWhichProductsIWillNeverNorNeverHaveBeenAbleToAffordEachInitialOrFollowingIcarnation, I think it'll really turn the company back around.

1 point

The demise of any enterprise could be attributed to its lack of ability to adapt to inevitable change.

1 point

There is no need to hate/mock. Each to their own, after all.

1 point

Apple's success hinges on the Apple fan mob mentality. I don't think Apple's success is really their own doing. I think they only survive off the enthusiasm of their customers. If the customers finally see something they don't like it could really hurt Apple. Apple is making many mistakes. The couldn't even name the last iPad. How hard is it to call it the iPad 3? Then, you have the shortsighted marketing. The iPhone 5 was small, so the Apple commercials advertised that the iPhone was the perfect size because it fit perfectly in your hand. Now the iPhone 6 is here and everyone ignores the previous commercial. Another thing that Apple has started doing is changing up their own proprietary charging cables. They do things that could lose customers, but people aren't leaving, yet.