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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:21
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 What would the dismounts be like if sex was an Olympic sport? (8)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

What would the dismounts be like if sex was an Olympic sport?

sex as an Olympic sport
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I can see a pole vault or high-jump from the woman above position.

Side: Positioning is everything
3 points

Would being nude help or hinder Michael Phelps' swimming abilities?

Side: Michael Phelps

Assuming he's proportionate, it will probably hinder.

Side: Michael Phelps
2 points

I'd imagine. His current suit is so tight to his skin, they said it took him 20 minutes just to put it on! :O

Side: Michael Phelps
1 point

You guys are sick. First of all, sex was not a Olympic game, and would never be. Unless everybody in the world turned mad.

Side: Michael Phelps

Could you imagine a triple axle!?!

Side: I don't even know what that is
-1 points

hmmmm god joe thats sad lol....

Side: I don't even know what that is