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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Sat down Gotten my money back
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Sat down (3)
 Gotten my money back (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

What would you have done (watch video) oh yeah, disclaimer: this is a JC debate

Sat down

Side Score: 3

Gotten my money back

Side Score: 1

My cousin is a biker and my brother in law is a Navy Seal and, as many of you know, I'm Hispanic (so you know I'm packing) and you may have seen my mean, menacing face ;)

on a side note:

Dana Perrino ( Fox News) describing an interview she recently had with a Navy SEAL. After discussing all the countries he had been sent to, she asked if they had to learn several languages?

His reply:

"Oh no ma'am, we don't go there to talk."

Side: Sat down
1 point

Sort of like when I saw Notorious with some friends and had to save seats (instead of bikers, a lot of black people).

Side: Sat down

Did they talk back at the screen ;)

Side: Sat down
1 point

I don't like crowds, so I wouldn't have been able to handle something like that no matter who they were. That's why I usually go to the cinema on Thursday, few people show up.

Side: Gotten my money back