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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

We'll make it so. We'll make sure it doesn't.
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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 We'll make it so. (6)
 We'll make sure it doesn't. (17)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

When I die I want the aftermath to be like Gene Wilder's

I want people to gather at theaters late at night and hold public readings of my old CD posts in my memory.  And if just one person laughs out loud, I will know I have done my life's work.

We'll make it so.

Side Score: 6

We'll make sure it doesn't.

Side Score: 17
1 point

That's an interesting plan. Are you going to post something funny while you're alive so that it is possible?

Side: We'll make it so.
1 point

I'm taking the terrorists approach. Terrorists need to succeed only once. Law enforcement has to succeed every time ;)

Side: We'll make it so.

Would a quiet snigger suffice?

I hate roars of horrible forced laughter from a theatre's back stalls, it drowns out all the people with bronchitis who only went to cough.

Side: We'll make it so.
1 point

OK. I'm easy. Just don't let that get around. ;)

Side: We'll make it so.
1 point

I'll cover my walls with your old CD posts and make daily videos with them mourning you, and I just cry about you. ;)

Side: We'll make it so.
1 point

Thank you. I knew someone would would care. And I'm glad you're still around. It's been a long time. What have you been up to?

Side: We'll make it so.
Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
2 points

I just randomly logged in yesterday. haha

I've been up to a lot, nothing I'll get into here. How about you?

Side: We'll make it so.
1 point

Well... I mean, I doubt it?

Domany people here know you personally?

Who's gonna listen to your quotes,you haven't captured the world's heart like Wilder?

Who on here will be bothered to write down the good ones?

Where will they be read out, like.. Are you going to take over theaters too?


Ahhhh, I'm just shitting on your knees :)

Still don't think it'll happen though..

Side: We'll make sure it doesn't.
1 point

So..., no one will remember me? Sigh.... the story of my life ;)

Side: We'll make sure it doesn't.
1 point

Actually, it would be the story of your death o.O

not that anyone would be around to hear it :/

Side: We'll make sure it doesn't.