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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:2
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joecavalry(40130) pic

When a bald headed person washes his face, how far up does he go?


If you are bald, you can help those who are becoming bald by providing a little advise.

If you are hairy all over, how far down do you go when you shave?


Think of it as a public service announcement.

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I would just put on a wig so that it provides a guide line. ;)

1 point

A person's head is hardly a perfect circle. It has edges, it has corners, and it has faces. Specifically speaking of the front face, when washing one's face, their is a moment when you feel that you are n longer on the semi flat surface that is your 'face' and are now creeping into an area that feels like a different semi flat surface that is your head.

To answer this question, as far as going up is concerned, you stop washing your face, when you feel that you have reached the curve that leads to your head.

As for the rest of the face, well their is your chin as a marker going down, and your ears as a marker going left and right.