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 When did the "Gay Marriage" issue become the "Marriage Equality" issue? (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

When did the "Gay Marriage" issue become the "Marriage Equality" issue?


Catholic Church declaring full scale war on marriage equality

At first I thought this was going to be an article on the church stating that a wife should be subservient to her husband.  Instead it's about the "language war" going on.

Remember when it used to be "abortionists" or "pro-abortion" on one side and "anti-abortion" on the other?  And then they shifted the language to "pro-choice" and "pro-life" because, apparently, the issue was not about abortion at all.  It was about "choice" and "life."  Well..., they've done it again.  It's no longer about "gay marriage," it's about "marriage equality."

I think people need to articulate (in precise detail) the purpose of marriage.  Marriage is either extremely unique or it isn't.  And if it is considered unique, we need to define what is so unique about it.  What is the purpose of marriage?  Why should 2 people get married?  And maybe if we do this, we can also solve the problem of divorce.

But that's just me ;)

Sorry about the rant.  And now back to one of my trivial debates ;)

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I was going to add an argument but I guess that's what I did in the debate description above ;)

Just more people trying to control others. I bet the church will fight it because they are people controllers. People are the game, and the church is the controllers. Marriage has only been a religious writ, so it is time to get government out of the marriage. Since gay people are liberal and stewards to the state, being recognized by the state as a married couple is extremely important, plus, they want those awesome tax breaks that come with married couples.

Side: When government took over marriage

What if the church stopped using the word "marriage" and called it, "Spiritual Union" and then they define it as a union between a man and a woman? What then? ;)

Side: When government took over marriage