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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

do it don't do it
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 do it (7)
 don't do it (2)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

When you REALLY want to slap someone, yell mosquito and

do it

Side Score: 7

don't do it

Side Score: 2

Then say, "Missed." They'll never know what hit them ;)

Side: do it

Brillant idea, but never thought it as a idea for a troll debate.

Side: do it

Troll debates have to be brilliant? Who raised the bar ;)

Side: do it
1 point

LOL! Slow day at the office today Joe? ;)

Side: do it

You have no idea. ;)

Side: do it
1 point

DO IT! A) because they won't know B) because you really want to slap them C) because it would be hilariously funny to everyone who knew there wasn't actually a mosquito!

Side: do it
0 points

I prefer just saying, "I met your previous spouse the other day and she asked me to give this to you".

Side: don't do it

What if they've never been married? See? You don't think things through ;)

Side: don't do it