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 When you go to a public restroom, to relieve yourself, which urinal do you prefer? (15)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

When you go to a public restroom, to relieve yourself, which urinal do you prefer?

A few possible answers:

The one closest to the door.  I'm an in-and-out kinda guy ;)

The one lowest on the wall.  I don't like to get the tip wet. ;)

The one not being used.  Real men don't share urinals ;)

The one furthest from everyone else.  I don't want them checking out my package ;)

The stall.  I prefer to sit ;)

The stall.  I'm a girl ;)

The sink, if all else is taken ;)

The floor.  I always miss anyway ;)

The one that doesn't have pubic hairs all over it ;)

The handicap stall so that my friends and I can cross swords ;)

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3 points

I don't always feel comfortable next to somebody else... Especially when they don't put in splash guards. Why would a bathroom not have splash guards? They're wonderful! :)

I saw this video a while back. It uses the Sims 2 to explain how you should go to the bathroom. Pretty funny too.

Restroom etiquette
Side: farthest from others
1 point

oh my god.... one word changed the connotation of this. I meant to say "uncomfortable"

Side: farthest from others
1 point

I mostly agree with this.

Except for the urinal selection. I do prefer the non adjasent thing, but sometimes I will walk in there will be 3 urinals, one guy on each side, one empty urinal in the middle, and 3 other guys waiting(afraid to use the middle urinal). That is when I step in like a man and use the middle one.

Better than just standing there.

Side: farthest from others

Oh no, Jake! That's a cardinal sin or something. I'm sure of it ;)

Side: farthest from others
1 point

Yeah. If it's super crowded, you really don't have another option. Sometimes that physical need overrides your psychological fears and wants. Like when there is only one urinal left.

Side: farthest from others
2 points

The one closest to the door. I'm an in-and-out kinda guy ;)

Side: this is a gay debate joe
2 points

The one closest to the door. I'm an in and out type a guy.

Side: this is a gay debate joe

I prefer to sit it out! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

Side: Sit it out

Well, do you do that hovering thing some women do or do you just take a load off, relax, and really sit? ;)

Side: Sit it out
2 points

I pee in the toilet stalls. Yes, I'm one of those assholes, and I'm wallowing in luxury!

Side: Sit it out

The one lowest on the wall. I don't like to get the tip wet. ;)

Side: lowest on wall
1 point

Really? Really really really really really, Mr. Percival?

Side: Wouldn't you rather I damned you
1 point

The first thing available if I have to piss.

Sucks though, because I have to shake far more than what is socially acceptable :(

Side: this is a gay debate joe
1 point

The one not being used. Real men don't share urinals ;)

i hate it if someone has already used it

Side: this is a gay debate joe